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The Complete Guide to Lymphatic Drainage Massage and How to Nurture Your Body.

Dreaming of a naturally contoured face, fluid circulation, and energised skin? Take a look at your lymphatic system because it might just hold the key to de-puffing your body towards full-blown happiness. In our latest blog, we share the lo-down on your lymphatic system and how to pamper it - DIY style - through lymphatic drainage massage. No need to leave the coziness of your own home.

Between gua sha, face rollers, and dry brushes, it seems that our lymphatic system is finally getting the treatments it deserves. This lesser-known part of our body has been giving us struggles throughout the years as we discovered it is partially responsible for our puffy face, swollen legs, and bad circulation.

Yet, navigating your own lymphatic system can be tricky. Between its location, its action, and how it influences the look of your skin, there is a lot to understand before deciding to get your lymphatic system drained. This intricate internal network is also unique to you, and so is the way you respond to treatment. Thankfully, the experts at Purely Polished are here to help you navigate through it.


What Is The Low-Down on The Lymphatic System?

The lymphatic system is a subtle map within your body responsible for the continuous movement of fluid. It cleanses anything that leaks out of place, flushes out toxins, and assists with the proper absorption of fat. (1)

To do that, lymph fluid is used to push bacterias and dead cells out of the body through the lymph nodes, primarily located in the neck, armpits, and groins. Think of your lymphatic system as a natural and powerful detoxifying tool that aims to keep your skin bouncy, glowy, and youthful.

What Are The Signs of An Unhappy Lymph?

Having a healthy and well-functioning body is ideal, but the reality is that your skin goes through phases – just like anything in life. Whether that’s a spike in your stress levels, a lack of motivation for exercise, a change in your eating habits, or the monthly hormonal swing, your lymphatic system will be very responsive to your lifestyle. (2)

And unlike the heart, this intricate system doesn’t have a pump that shuffles the fluid around to cleanse and drain the body. It relies on muscle action and movement to maintain a constant flow instead. So when your body is unbalanced, lymph fluid stagnates and builds up under your skin. Hello, puffy face and swollen legs.

Thankfully, our lymphatic system is quick to communicate with us when it’s struggling. Look for visible signs by asking yourself:

  • Do I wake up every day with a puffy face?

  • Is my belly holding onto fat cells?

  • Do my fingers or ankles easily swell?

  • Is cellulite unusually prominent on my legs?

Once you get a better idea of how your lymphatic system responds daily, you can take a kind approach to minimise unwanted symptoms and nurture it back to full-blown happiness.

What Are The Benefits Of Lymphatic Drainage?

Lymphatic drainage is a hands-on approach that stimulates the lymphatic network to drain fluid build-up through the lymph nodes. (3) This massage style can be done by hand with the help of an expert or using brushing tools and specific movement techniques to break down and eliminate stagnant waste in the body.

Wondering what you can expect from lymphatic drainage? A regular massage can help:

  • Reduce swelling and water retention by removing the body’s waste excess

  • Stimulate blood circulation and skin regeneration through the act of brushing

  • Minimise the appearance of cellulite by draining the excess fluid pressing against the skin

Whether you want to try to DIY your massage or get pampered by professional hands, nurturing your lymphatic system offers an array of healthy possibilities that are too good to pass out on.

How Can I DIY My Lymphatic Drainage Massage?

An at-home treatment is a great way to get to know your body, but beware that it will require the help of beauty tools. Think gua sha or jade roller for your face, and dry brush or wooden tools for your body. Plus, you don’t want to forget some nourishing oil.

Once you’re equipped, you can follow online tutorials from professional therapists like this one. The trick with a DIY lymphatic drainage massage is to direct the skin fluids back towards the lymph nodes. For the body, that means brushing your legs and arms upward, and your belly downward, both with circular motion. For your face, it is gently gliding your tools from the centre out.

Is It Better To Get Pampered By A Pro?

While a DIY massage can be a sweet boost for your lymphatic system, expert hands will be able to work much deeper onto your skin. And if you’ve ever done dry brushing on yourself, you know it is basically a full-blown arm workout that will leave you sore for days.

It is also common for your skin to flush red, become slightly painful, or even bruise when your DIY your lymphatic massage, so if you haven’t done one before, it is best to get a massage treatment and keep the aftermath at bay.

At Purely Polished, our local massage therapists know how to be both gentle and skilful on your lymphatic system. Plus, you still get to treat yourself at home – but you know, by someone else – thanks to our mobile treatments that seamlessly come to you.



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