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5 Things We’re Bringing Out Of Lockdown.

As part of our Lockdown Diaries, Purely Polished are here to help establish a positive perspective to the #StayAtHome initiatives in Australia. If you’re looking for things to do at home for Father’s Day and wondering how to make Father’s Day special with different ideas and gifts – this blog is perfect for you!

Making Most Of Your Present Moment. Find Positivity & Perspective.

Despite the circumstances, we strongly believe that indulging the body results in pampering the mind. That said, we are here to send a little TLC for your lockdown reads to embrace in the present, support one another, set ourselves in a positive flow, and pamper the mind-body and soul.

How to Remove Shellac Yourself While in Lockdown.

The temptation to bite off, pick or rip off your nails will be the first way you attempt to take off the gel polish, but resist it at all costs. Whilst it is best to have a professional remove it, read how to remove gel polish off at home safely and recommends the following steps

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