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Purely Polished COVID-19 Policy.

At Purely Polished, the health and safety of our community is our highest priority. We’re taking precautionary measures to counteract the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and want to reassure you that we are carefully following all Covid Safe measures. 

*Updated 21 October 2021*

We’re currently operating in Sydney, Brisbane, the Gold Coast, Adelaide, Perth, and due to re-open in Melbourne on 22 October.

You are not required to disclose your vaccination status to us to book in for a service. However, if you do not wish to disclose your vaccination status, we cannot guarantee that you will receive a vaccinated service provider. Please be aware of this while completing your booking form.

*Updated March 2020*

At-Home Covid Safe Plan.


  • Facemasks are to be worn at all times while in the customer’s home

  • 1.5m physical distancing to be observed at all times outside of delivering beauty and massage services

  • Frequent sanitising of both hands and equipment

  • Completion of service in non-communal rooms or outdoors areas when possible

Purely Polished service providers will maintain the highest level of scrutiny to ensure that Purely Polished customers remain safe and protected throughout their beauty and massage services. All Purely Polished service providers will wear facemasks while completing beauty services. These masks are to remain on at all times throughout the duration of the beauty and massage services (from before stepping into the client’s home until after leaving). The service providers will also frequently sanitise their hands and tools to ensure they are providing the highest levels of cleanliness possible.

Per the Australian guidelines, as our services take place in a customers’ home, no QR codes are necessary for check-in purposes, as a customers’ home does not qualify as a workplace that the employer (Purely Polished) controls. However, Purely Polished retains up-to-date contact information for all customers and service providers to ensure that if a suspected, or confirmed, the case was to arise, we would be able to respond quickly and efficiently

This response would involve contacting the service provider and the customer in question, as well as every other customer that said service provider had come into contact with following their potential exposure

Physical distancing will be implemented where and when possible, throughout the duration of the service provider’s visit to the customers home, however it must be noted that maintaining a physical distance of 1.5 meters while performing a beauty or massage treatment is not possible. Therefore, physical distancing rules will be implemented and adhered to prior to and following the treatment. Additionally, service providers will maintain physical distance of 1.5 meters from any other individual who resides in the household. Where possible, Purely Polished will ensure that beauty services are completed in a room that is seperate from the “main living area” when the customer lives in a house with other individuals. Additionally, our service providers will recommend completing services in outdoor areas (such as patios, gardens, etc) whenever possible.


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