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Are You Washing Your Hair Properly..? We’re here with 3 (non-basic) Questions to ask ourselves about How We Wash Our Hair.

Looking back at our memories of washing hair when we were younger, I’m sure most of us LOVED to shape Mohawks and bubble crowns onto our heads, shampooing every bit of hair possible and drowning it in bubbles as an indicator for clean. But have we been doing it wrong..? Is there a right or wrong way to wash our hair?

We’ve heard it all before when it comes to hair. Don’t strip away the oils too much. Don’t overdo it. Sulphates are bad for your hair. Leave in masks work wonders for dry ends. But we are here with insights from our Purely Polished professionals who work with hair everyday.. and it’s come to our attention that we may not be washing our hair properly..

Looking back at our memories of washing hair when we were younger, I’m sure most of us LOVED to shape Mohawks and bubble crowns onto our heads, shampooing every bit of hair possible and drowning it in bubbles as an indicator for clean. But have we been doing it wrong..? Is there a right or wrong way to wash our hair?

We’re here with 3 (non-basic) questions to ask ourselves about whether we’re washing our hair properly.

Mobile hair washing photo for blog article

How Do You Shampoo?

We’re taught at a young age to put shampoo on our heads, scrub and watch the bubbles grow, rinse and condition. We had our own parents blob a squeeze on our heads for us to scrub ourselves, slowly growing up to do it ourselves by visualising a 50 cent coin for measuring just how much to use. But thinking back.. were we ever really taught about how exactly to scrub our hair?

Our Purely Polished Experts Advice:

  • Using your fingertips, you should be focused on only scrubbing your scalp with shampoo.

  • The rest of your hair will be washed through from scalp to end when rinsing away in water, ensuring the right amount of natural oils to sustain.

  • Don’t forget to scalp wash all over your head. From behind the ears, behind the head, top of your crown (the smelliest!), and your hair line where your sweat loves to hang out the most!

The Power of Conditioner. Are you hydrating your hair or just oiling it up even more?

As much as we love the silky feel of our hair in conditioner, are you hydrating your hair properly, or causing yourself issues with excess oil? Did you know that when you condition your hair, you only need to condition the ends, going half up – avoiding the scalp as much as possible? To put it bluntly, long story short – if our hair is dead, split and/or dry – there is not much a conditioner can do under a rinse out product type, unless it is a hair mask (most of the time). The insider hacks to help with your hair conditions, all come down to your whole haircare routine, not just conditioning.

Lockdown Advice. Are You Training Your Hair to Optimise Your Time?

We hear people talk about how often they wash their hair. Some say every day, some say every two days, and there are those who wash once a week! We sit back and wonder HOW people can go for days without their hair getting oily… and there’s a thing where you can train your hair.

If your hair is used to frequent washing, the oil production of your glands regenerates according to what they are experiencing. When we wash our hair, we strip away the natural oils – pushing our glands to reproduce as quickly as possible. Our Hairdressers have given us the advice to take advantage of our time in lockdown, and train your hair to withstand a few days without a wash. Do this a couple of times, and watch as your hair slow down its oil reproduction – extending our required days to wash.

For those who regularly work out and sweat like no other, this can work for you too! We won’t lie to you and say that your hair won’t be oily. But we can definitely preach that it helps with slow down the production of oil and reduces overtime. Just make sure you wash your pillowcases regularly!

Our New Hair Menu Updates as of September 2021!

Keep an eye out for our NEW added services! We’re going to be introducing mobile hair colouring, which will include Foils and Colour, Balayage, Bleaching and Highlights!

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